In Debian Squeeze bash doesn't support tab completion in terminal by default...this can be accomplished by a small hack...first we need to edit a file..
vim /etc/bash.bashrc
By deafult these lines will be commented uncomment them by removing the #
# enable bash completion in interactive shells
#if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
# . /etc/bash_completion
Save the file after done withyour editing do a the bash support tab completion.........
vim /etc/bash.bashrc
By deafult these lines will be commented uncomment them by removing the #
# enable bash completion in interactive shells
#if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
# . /etc/bash_completion
Save the file after done withyour editing do a the bash support tab completion.........
Thank you for posting this. Just did a clean install and this helped me enable tab completion.